Custom Getaways

Our group tours don’t fit in your schedule or fall on that special occasion? No worries, TT can assist with planning your exclusive vacation customized just for you. Our job is to meet you where you are and paint a vivid picture of where you want to go. We specialize in customizing family travel, girls’ getaways, birthday vacations, retreats, corporate travel, and the like. 

Do you want to know how you start planning your customized vacation with Travelers Temptation?

WE PLAN: Fill out the Travelite questionnaire in its entirety and pay the proposal fee. The proposal includes 2-3 package options, with one change. You will also schedule your Travelite discovery call at this time.

YOU GIVE THE “OKAY”: Travelers Temptation will create a customized quote based on the information provided in your questionnaire and discovery call. Once you receive the proposal, you give the “okay,” and information on the reservation process will be provided. This is the step where we book your reservations, including all the details you desire.

WE’LL SEND YOU ON YOUR WAY: Once your reservations have been paid in full, we’ll send you on your way. Pack your bag for your next adventure. Expect to be showered with information about your destination, being fully prepared for the quest ahead. Throughout your vacation, you will have full access to a TT representative, and once you return, we look forward to hearing how amazing your vacation turned out to be.

You can start your travel adventure today by filling out your Travelite questionnaire.