Hosted Group Travel

Travelers Temptation has curated a world tour that will be exclusively managed and hosted by a Travelers Temptation expert. Every stop of the world tour has handpicked accommodations and unique itineraries to partake in while in destination. Through our groups you will explore the hot spots of each destination, which include great food and fun nightlife.

Travelers Temptation operates through experience and efficiency, creating unique vacations that change a Travelites bucket list into reality one vacation at a time. Our experts manage Travelites reservations, secure online payments, and provides preparation for the trip, so all you have to do is show up for the fun.

Each destination will be themed with a song, so that when your vacation is over, and you hear that song, you’ll forever remember your trip! Through our hosted groups you will explore the hot spots of each destination, which include succulent cuisine, distinctive excursions, and lively nightlife.

Click here to check out our upcoming destinations.